The Tibs Design Studio Blog


How to choose a name for your business

January 29, 2025

Recognition and memorability are hugely important for a small business and success in both of those areas starts with the name of the business. Business naming isn’t currently a standalone service that I offer, but I do offer name consultation and suggestions as part of my brand strategy and design packages, if requested. Here are the primary guidelines that I suggest to my clients and that I’ll suggest to you if you’re a soloprenuer struggling to name your business.

Clear is better

For small businesses, clear is better! Big businesses with a lot of name recognition can get away with having abstract names like Target, Amazon, etc. but small businesses don’t have that luxury. If I’m looking to buy some candles from a small business, I’m looking for a business with a name that indicates they sell candles.

Sometimes this means having a shorter name as well as a longer name - for example instead of just “Raven”, you might go by “Raven Handcrafted Candles” in certain contexts to make it clear what you do!

Don’t go trendy

There are generally only two scenarios that I recommend following trends in: 1. Specialty products that reflect current trends (your core products should still be as timeless as possible) and 2. In your marketing efforts - your marketing should evolve with the trends so that you are speaking to your customers in a way/format that feels relevant.

Your business name is not the time to go trendy - instead, choose something that you’ll still like in a year, 3 years, 5 years!

You can always change your business name if it no longer feels relevant but that process can be arduous from both an administrative perspective and a customer recognition perspective.

Go different, or even weird

A unique name is memorable. Now I don’t mean that it has to be something never heard of before, but you want to be unique in both your industry and your physical location for two reasons: 1. You want to stand out. and 2. You want to be able to register your business name without conflict. Also, check domain names and social media handles too before committing to a name.

If it fits in with the personality of your business (see matching your name to your vibe below), go weird! People remember weird!


Business names with a story behind them are a great way to connect with your customers. How can your business name tie into your story?

From a marketing standpoint, having a meaningful name gives you the opportunity to market that story on your website and in social media content and use that story to find customers who relate to your experiences.

Match your name to the vibe

This advice was originally going to be “Don’t go too obvious/cheesy” but honestly if that’s your vibe, do it. The most important thing is knowing the personality of your small business and naming with that in mind.

If this feels a little nebulous, working with a brand strategist (hi that’s me) can help you nail down your brand personality and find a name that matches your vibe.

Need more help?

Shoot me a message with what you’re thinking and I’ll see what advice I have for you! Or jump in and inquire about working with me on a brand strategy and design package and we can go through the whole process together of defining your brand personality and finding a name that is clear, unique, and matches that personality.

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