The Tibs Design Studio Blog


Hi there! I'm Tibs, a brand designer who is passionate about helping creative business owners thrive. This blog is where I'm spill all the secrets about branding and strategy for your small business.

The Importance of Branding for Small Businesses

December 7, 2023

Ever feel like you're juggling a hundred things running your small business? It can be hard to prioritize something like branding when you already have a full plate. I get it. It’s a hustle. But branding is a fundamental part of growing your business. You can’t ignore it. Having strategic branding in place for your business ensures you stand out, build credibility, attract customers, and market effectively.

In this post I'm going to tell you why branding should be your small business’ best friend. And how you can work with a designer to keep it from being just one more thing to add to your plate.


Showing the juxtaposition of my brand design work and typical, boring, imagery: collection of 12 small square images of colorful, elegant branding and packaging for a spa and candle brand, sitting in front of a grayscale photo of candles and spa atmosphere
For this project, I subverted expectations with the color palette. Most spa-centric brands tend towards relaxing blues, greens, and neutrals. Those colors are a great choice from a color psychology perspective but branding has to take so much into consideration and I prioritized making sure this brand would stand out from it's competitors by mixing in some bold accent colors on top of the warm neutrals that would be expected in the industry.

Small businesses, much like yours, often find themselves lost in crowded markets. It's like being at a party where everyone's talking at once, and you're trying to make your voice heard. That's where crafting a unique visual identity through branding comes in. It's about finding your voice in the noise, making your business unmistakably yours.

You know what they say about first impressions. And in the fast-paced world we live in, people make split-second decisions. That means your brand identity - your logos, your color palette, your tone of voice, etc. - need to be memorable.

We’re all short on time so I know how tempting it is to save time with a Canva logo. But I promise you’re not the only one with that idea so even if your logo looks nice, it’s actually hurting your business if it blends in with thousands of other logos.


Trust is not just a buzzword; it’s the currency that small businesses are dependent upon. Your customers need to feel like they're in good hands when they purchase your services or products. There are lots of things that go into building trust with your customers but your brand identity can do a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

A strong brand identity signals professionalism and reliability. It’s what makes you crush that first impression. Trust, however, is not established in a first impression. Or a second impression. Or a third. Trust takes many consistent good impressions and consistency is really hard to maintain without branding.

Consistency is all about delivering the same experience every time, whether it’s your logo, your social media posts, your messaging, or your customer service. Imagine you go to your favorite coffee shop, and every time you order your usual, it's a different drink. Confusing, right? The same goes for your branding.

Strategic branding is designed to be implemented over your entire business with guidelines for how to achieve consistency across the board. In the end, people want to do business with someone they trust, and your branding is a bridge to building that trust.


Pillow with illustrated pattern on it of books, chairs, bookmarks, croissants, coffee, and mouse, on top are two stickers of the Book Mouse logo that both feature the mouse illustration
A mascot is a wonderful way to add character to a brand. It increases recognition and creates a tangible being for your customers to create an emotional connection with. Book Mouse is a community-focused bookstore that fosters the love of reading in people of all ages. This cheerful mouse mascot harkens back to the company's history and the hand-drawn illustration style brings comfort to the brand that allows their customers to more deeply connect with the business and their mission.

When your brand is able to make an emotional connection, it transforms one-time buyers into repeat customers. They choose you not just for what you sell but because of how you make them feel. It's the secret sauce for long-term success in the small business game. That connection is the magic that keeps them coming back, not just as customers but also as advocates who sing your praises.

For small businesses, this is about being genuine, relatable, and creating an experience that resonates. Your business can be the friend your customers didn't know they needed – someone they trust, relate to, and, most importantly, feel a connection with.

Now, where does branding come into play? Your branding is an expression of your business and (if you’re working with a quality brand designer) it will be designed to emotionally connect with your ideal customers. While your customers might know and trust you on a personal level, branding can make them feel like they know and trust your business on a personal level.


Marketing can be one of the hardest things to figure out as a small business owner. And unfortunately having a killer brand identity is not the same as having a killer marketing strategy. But, it’s a step in the right direction.

Back to that party where everyone is talking at once, your branding is the voice that cuts through the noise. It's the reason why a customer might choose you over a competitor. It’s not always about what you offer but how you offer it. Think of it as being the friend at the party that everyone wants to hang out with – that’s the kind of differentiation we’re talking about.

Most brand design services also offer strategy services to help you clarify your messaging. This means that your branding isn’t just a pretty face, it’s an engine that powers your marketing efforts. Branding gives your marketing efforts direction and impact so you’re not just shouting into the void. Branding is the reason your marketing lands, your promotions resonate, and your business becomes a magnet for the right customers.


I know that branding may seem like an additional burden on top of everything else you have going on but you can’t deny the power that strategic branding can have on your business as it helps you stand out from the crowd, build trust, connect with customers, and market effectively. Your branding will be a wonderful friend to your business as it grows. Working with a brand designer should be a fun process so let’s chat about how I can help take on that burden for you and make the process as joy-filled as possible for you.

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